LSN #5 Awk has Power

Sometimes it's easy to forget the power of awk. When faced with a task, it's often easy to resort to writing a program or script. This isn't a bad thing, but realizing some tasks can be handled with awk, could save you time. Awk…

LSN #7 grep to search through directories

This post will be quick, but I still wanted to write this one regarding grep. Most times I see grep being used after a pipe to find or sort output and rarely as a starting command. One of my favorite abilities of grep is that it can recursively search through…

LSN #6 Find docker OOM errors with dmesg

Sometimes I get into the frame of mind that docker and the dockerd service is very isolated from the host that runs it. I'll be using common docker commands such as docker logs, docker ps, docker stats or inspect to get a better understanding on what happens with…

LSN #4 Storage and Device commands

I think everyone goes about viewing and modifying linux storage in there own way or they just forget, and use one of commands that all seem to blend together. Maybe its just me, but I always find df -h, lsblk & fdisk to blend together, so I thought writing a…

LSN #3 Differences between OAuth2 & SAML

Its easy to get confused between OAuth and SAML and how they differ when talking about SSO protocols. I found a great, simplified breakdown online by a reddit user. "SSO - the experience of logging in one place and being automatically logged in somewhere else Federation - authenticating from…

LSN #2 Understanding umask

umask (user file creation mask) is a setting in Linux to control default file permissions for newly created files and directories. By default a file in Linux is created 666 permissions (read, write, but no execute) & directories are created with 777 permissions ( read, write and execute). umask subtracts the…

LSN #1 - Stress-ng to load test Linux

When setting up Linux monitoring, you may need to a way to spike CPU or put pressure on the hosts memory to test metrics and alerting. My use case was with Zabbix and having their agent installed in machines. Their Linux template comes with monitoring and triggers that can send…